Posted: February 16th, 2016

Ohio Youngstown Comprehensive Plan Evaluation

The planning director of your chosen city asked you, in your role as private consultant, to evaluate her city’s current General Plan. The director wants you to focus on both the internal and external characteristics of the plan, including:  Internal Characteristics o Issue Identification and Vision o Goals o Fact Base o Policies o Implementation o Monitoring and Evaluation o Internal Consistency  External Characteristics o Organization and Presentation o Interorganizational Coordination o Compliance
1. Review Berke and Godschalk’s article “Searching for the Good Plan: A Meta-Analysis of Plan Quality Studies” (on BB), paying particular attention to Table 2 on p. 231. The Characteristics of Plan Quality that Serve as Evaluation Criteria are what you will use in reference to evaluating your chosen plan. 2. Analyze and evaluate how, and how well, the city has achieved the characteristics of plan quality, paying careful attention to fully address each of the criteria listed in Table 2. After doing so, make suggestions for specific changes that the city could make to improve their plan’s achievement of these criteria. 3. Submit an 8 – 10 page response on Blackboard, to the above prompts, following the

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