Posted: November 12th, 2015

Nonhuman primate assignment: ANTH 300

Nonhuman primate assignment: ANTH 300


The paper is about vervet monkey



There are two parts to this paper: 1) there will be a section where you tell me about your assigned primate based on the PIN website pasted below, and 2) there will be a section where you tell me about current research on the primate you were assigned.


Use your textbook and this website only for your paper:


1) In full sentence form, tell me the following information about your nonhuman primate: common name, scientific name, specific geographic location (country/countries if possible), habitat, diet, social group, physical description and status in the wild (endangered, etc.).


2) Then find two research websites (ex. Smithsonian, zoo websites, university websites, etc.) or journal articles from ARC’s online journal database that describe research done within the past 5 years, paste the address for each site, with a three sentence summary after each address. If you cannot find sources, you may contact me up to 48 hours before the paper is due.


Remember to put your full URL at the top of your assignment, and if you use all the information from that site, state: “The information from this paper comes from this URL.” Do not copy any of the materials from the URL. Make sure everything is in your own words or you risk problems with plagiarism. See your syllabus for further details.

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