Posted: August 26th, 2015


Essay Topic
“Networking – creating a fabric of personal contacts who will provide support, feedback, insight, resources and information” (Ibarra & Hunter, 2007, p. 40) is thought to be crucial for successful leadership. Explain the concept of networking in organisations and outline its relationship with leadership development.
Starting reference list:
Ibarra, H. and Hunter, M. (2007) How leaders create and use networks. Harvard Business Review, 85 (1), 40-47
Bartol, K.M. and Zhang, X. (2007) Networks and leadership development: building linkages for capacity acquisition and capital accrual. Human Resource Management Review, 17 (4), 388-401
Stretch reading:
Casciaro, T., Gino, F. and Kouchaki, M. (2014) The contaminating effects of building instrumental ties: how networking can make us feel dirty. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59 (4), 705-735
Note: Your essay must reference a minimum of 6 academic, peer-reviewed articles in addition to the two starting references given above (i.e. overall a minimum of 8 references). Demonstrated use of the stretch reading will earn you extra marks.

Writing style: The essay should be written in formal academic narrative style. The essay will be evaluated for discriminatory language, clarity of expression and overall presentation including grammar, spelling and punctuation. You may not use bullet points or bracketed comments. Use headings sparingly. Essays must be fully and appropriately referenced using APA referencing. Substantial marks will be deducted for inadequate or incorrect referencing.

Please make sure you undertake all the following steps in your essay:
a. Introduction: introduce your topic, present your argument and the structure of the essay
b. Main body:
i. Present the concept of networking: what does it mean? Are there different types of networking? Are certain types of networking more important than others? What is the role that social media plays in network building? Why does networking make people feel uncomfortable?
ii. Outline the relationship between networking and leadership development: is networking important for leaders? What are the benefits of networking for leaders? Are there any disadvantages? Are there circumstances that necessitate networking? How can leaders develop networking skills? Should employers train leaders in networking or 7 is it an individual’s responsibility? NB: obviously not all of these sub-topics can be addressed – pick which ones you want to explore and tell the reader why you chose those.
c. Make sure you sum up in a one paragraph conclusion
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