Posted: April 20th, 2016

What might be a better marketing idea for the company?

Discussion Board Deliverable Length: 150 to 250 words.
You are a marketing manager interviewing for a new job at a large low price retailer. You know that being well prepared for an interview gives you a better chance of being offered a job, so you decide to the company as well as some of the company s future marketing ideas. One of the company s ideas is to phase out its well known brand names and introduce more store brands. In your discussion, describe the pros and cons of this marketing idea proposed by the company from the both a financial and nonfinancial perspective. Suggestions for Responding to Peer Posts Review your peer s response regarding the pros and cons of this marketing idea proposed by the company from the both a financial and non financial perspective, and consider the following questions: Do you agree with these pros and cons? Would you approve the marketing idea proposed by the company? Why or why not? What might be a better marketing idea for the company?

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