Posted: February 12th, 2016

List the seven layers of the OSI model. Number your paper from 7-1. Write the name of the layer next to the number to which it corresponds.

Describe the OSI Reference Model

List the seven layers of the OSI model. Number your paper from 7-1. Write the name of the layer next to the number to

which it corresponds. Describe the function of each layer, purpose of each layer, and what hardware resides at each layer

within at least one paragraph for each layer. Note that only the first four layers of the OSI model have hardware

associated with them.


 Layer 7. Application Layer – Tell me the function of, the purpose of, and what hardware, if any, resides at this


 Layer 6.

 Layer 5.

 Layer 4.

 Layer 3.

 Layer 2.

 Layer 1. Physical layer – Tell me the function of, the purpose of, and what hardware, if any, resides at this layer.

This assignment must contain an introduction and a conclusion, be a minimum two-page paper, and be appropriately cited

using APA style writing.

text book

Mansfield, K. C., & Antaonakos, J. L. (2010). Computer networking for LANs to WANs: Hardware, software and security.

Albany, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

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