Posted: March 21st, 2016

he intrapreneurial/innovative process this organisation implements o Intrapreneurial/innovative lessons learnt (this must be supported with academic literature)

Organisation Choices
Pick one of the following to complete your individual assignment on:
• Adidas  • IKEA  • Johnson & Johnson  • Mattel  • Nestle  • Sony Music Entertainment
Organisation Analysis
• Analysis and key points identified should be compared/contrasted against the academic literature  • Do not repeat large parts of organisational history – this demonstrates no analysis  • The focus should be on intrapreneurial activity and innovations.
Recommended Report Structure
• Introduction (to the report, identify the purpose and introduce the organisation this assessment will focus on)  • Organisation Innovation (this section may use subheadings)  o The intrapreneurial/innovative process this organisation implements  o Intrapreneurial/innovative lessons learnt (this must be supported with academic literature)  o Why these lessons have made the business more successful (a comparison to other organisations in the same industry would be helpful here)  o Why it would be difficult for another firm to adopt some of this organisation’s success factors (key intrapreneurial activities/innovations)  o Explain how these difficulties (identified in point 3) could be overcome (minimum 3 recommendations)

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