Posted: September 9th, 2015

Impact of social processes to the modern world

Write a case study analyzing the impact of two social processes that have shaped the modern world on the daily life of a member of your family.
1. Choose the two modernization processes that you are going to focus on. For example:
 Industrialization
 Urbanization
 Secularization (and/or secularization)
 Individualization (e.g. in relation to identity, gender equality or sex and romance)
 Consumer society
 Globalization
 Rationalization.
2. Interview a family member (or other) to find out when and how these processes impacted on their lives.
You will need to develop an appropriate set of questions and get the interviewee to sign a consent form. The consent form is available in the Assessment section of Blackboard. You should retain the consent form but please do not submit it with your assessment.
SOC10007 Understanding the Modern World
3. Write up your case study. See the structure below and use this as a guide to write your case study. You may use subheadings:
Give a brief overview of the main features of modernity. Specify the modernization
processes you are focusing on. Say that this is a case study involving an interview with a family member and that you have utilized information from this as well as a range of references. A brief overview of the main impacts on the life of the interviewee should also be included here.
Literature Review
Summarize the existing sociological literature on the modernizing processes you have selected. You should use 4-5 academic references. This should be a major area of your case study. It should describe the main impacts of each process under discussion. In this section you should provide full citations from the literature. A list of appropriate online resources is available in the Assessment section in Blackboard.
In this section, you should also talk about your method. You need to say that you collected your information by carrying out an interview with a family member (or other). Say why you chose the person you interviewed, note any ethical considerations (e.g. the consent form), and provide a very brief overview of your line of questioning. Although you can explain your relationship with the person, make sure you protect the person’s privacy by giving them a pseudonym. Describe what form of data recording and storage system you used and why.
Provide a short summary of your interview, including relevant details about the person and the content of the interview. You will need to situate the person in time and place: a very brief overview of the key events in their life will be necessary. You should then report on the experience of your interviewee, including their memories of the experiences of earlier generations of the family.
Citation and referencing for the interviews should follow the style provided below.
Analysis and Discussion
Discuss your findings in the light of the literature you have reviewed. Your objective is to illustrate the impact of the two modernising processes you have selected. You can do this by:
 Identifying the point at which the processes you have selected impacted on your interviewee, for example when they moved from agricultural to industrial work; moved from the country to city; became less religious than their parents or grandparents (or rediscovered a new kind of religion); experienced a shift in gender relations or greater freedom to choose a mate; experienced the shift to a consumer society; have been influenced by the idea of individual freedom to create one’s own life.
SOC10007 Understanding the Modern World

 Analysing the impact the processes you have selected have had on the personal life and experience of your interviewee. Is it in line with what the literature has described? Can you discern differences?
This should be the second major section of your case study.
Sum up your discussion and analysis. Make sure you reflect on your method, including the interview process and data collection. What went well, what did you learn, and what would you do differently next time?
You should use 4-5 references as a minimum.
Citation Style for Interviews
When referring to material that comes from your interview, either as quotations or general findings, cite it as: Your family name, 2015. For example: (Lyon, 2015).


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