Posted: August 4th, 2016

Identify forces in the party that help drive it toward its position?

Write a paper, explaining differences in position on the issue between the parties. Smaller parties may be included.

Include the following elements:

o Identify forces in the party that help drive it toward its position.
o Discuss how the groups educate its members, the public, and the government about its concerns or mission.
o Consider how the groups encourage members to participate in the democratic process and support a specific party.
o Discuss factors that promote and inhibit corporate influence on your issue.
o Explain why the U.S. political structure encourages major political parties and the effect this has on your issue.
o Determine if social mobility affects political party identification. A registered independent may vote one way instead of the other.
o Summarize the role of political parties and their effectiveness as change agents versus preserving the status quo.

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