Posted: September 11th, 2015

How to effectively and successfully manage for equity


1. Choose one of the following topics
a. How to effectively and successfully manage for equity;


b. How to effectively and successfully manage for cross-cultural sensitivity

2. Use secondary data from your Book and other relevant sources to create a list of six open-ended questions on that topic.

3. Use these questions to collect primary data by interviewing three managers working in three different real life organizations within the computer retail industry. You will need to take a photo of

1) you and the business manager

2) their business card; both photos should be integrated into the power point slides on pages 3 and 4.


a. Five (5 only) Power Point slides:
1. Title slide, your name, your organization, seminar name, event, date,
2. Your list of 6 open-ended questions (with citations) from the secondary data
3. Main points from your primary data, questions 1-3
4. Main points from your primary data, questions 4-6
5. References (cited sources)
Maximum total word count for slides 2-4 (excluding citations) = 100 words

The more reference the better.

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