Posted: September 5th, 2015

How do you view morality?


which approach to ethical judgment do you most often employ—deontological, consequentialist, or virtue ethics?

More specifically, which rules, outcomes, or traits do you value most highly? Please offer an example of how you put your ethical commitments into practice in daily life.
• Second, given what we learned from each other during last unit’s peer-review experience, what general principles seem to guide professional ethics for most of us? The varieties of ethical theory may be relevant here, but so are the special requirements unique to each kind of employment. How can we best learn from the experiences of others as well as our own?
• Finally, how do this unit’s readings from The Republic e-book help to frame the broader issue of how ethical reasoning properly guides human life?

Do the selections we read make sense as metaphors for human life as we truly live it?
This is a highly personal forum, so disagreements are especially likely in this unit. Please keep in mind that while everyone is free to express positions in the strongest terms, it is still important to respect each other no matter how far apart our views happen to be.?
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