Posted: October 19th, 2016

Find an article about a COMPANY (except Uber, Tata Steel, Tesla Motors, Oracle, Xero, Amazon, BUPA, Fairfax, Cimic group, Apple, VW, we are not allowed use those companies) that discusses the sociocultural and technological environments that affected the business.

Find an article about a COMPANY (except Uber, Tata Steel, Tesla Motors, Oracle, Xero, Amazon, BUPA, Fairfax, Cimic group, Apple, VW, we are not allowed use those companies) that discusses the sociocultural and technological environments that affected the business. The Article should be published after 1st July 2016 from a reputable source (The Australian Financial Review;The Sydney Morning Herald;The Australian;ABC Radio;ABC News 24 TV;SkyNews Business News;The Economist;Bloomberg;BBC News;Financial Times;The Guardian; and The Wall Street Journal) There should also be a section about CSR Corporate social responsibility at the end of the article which is basically digging up dirt on the company. The article should have 2 key concepts one concept about the socio cultural aspect and second concept about technology, the 2 concepts should be discussed separately in a paragraph each and then linked in the analysis section. Some of the SocioCultural concepts Demographics age distribution, gender distribution, stage of life etc. Dependency ratio Population density GDP per capita Cultural dimensions. Some of the Technology concepts ? Sociotechnical configuration ? Technological transitions ? Technological trajectory ? Incremental innovation ? Radical innovation ? Disruptive innovation An example on the link between the 2 concepts Aging population + Increased urbanisation (Socio culture)>> Need to improve mobility of aged population >> leeds to technological advances in wheelchair capable of going up stairs (IT).

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