Posted: August 4th, 2016

Explain possible consequences of ineffectiveness

Write a 700 to 1,050 word essay in APA format on the qualities of effectiveness versus ineffectiveness of judges. In your essay

Describe the responsibilities of judges.
Identify attributes of both effective and ineffective judges.
Provide an example of an effective and an ineffective Supreme Court judge.
Explain possible consequences of ineffectiveness.
Determine the course of action for ineffective judges.
1. Define probable cause and give an example of it 2. Explain the two pronged and totality of circumstances tests to determine the trustworthiness of informants evidence 3. Why did the Supreme Court in the Tennessee v Garner case rule to outlaw the old Fleeing Felon rile. 4. Summarize the facts and explain the significance of Brown v Mississippi 5. Identify the main types of self incriminating evidence nt protected by the Fifth Amendment. Answers: Other types of self incriminating evidence can include blood, hair, fingerprints, and one s handwriting. 6.Indentify and define the two conditions under which the police are required to give individuals Miranda warninhs

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