Posted: October 9th, 2017

explain and define your own personal statement of faith, addressing what you believe concerning the Bible;

You will complete a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation or Prezi presentation. The presentation is to include detailed speaker notes.

Creating A Prezi Account.pdf 

You will explain and define your own personal statement of faith, addressing what you believe concerning the Bible; the God of the Bible; the Trinity; Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Humanity, Sin, Salvation, and the Church.

You will need to support your explanations using Scripture that speaks to the specific nature of each of these elements. You will be expected to include supportive speaker notes that are complete and incorporate citations. You will need a references slide at the conclusion of the presentation.

Refer to the APA Seventh Edition Manual for formatting. Include a minimum of 9 citations (at least 1 citation for each subject to be covered) in addition to the Bible in your paper to detail your support above and beyond the text.

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