Posted: September 22nd, 2015

Evaluation and Validation of Smart Meter Reading System

Introduction (150 words)
1. System Test, Evaluation and Validation of Smart Meter Reading System (400 words)
1.1. The Process of System Test, Evaluation and Validation
1.2. Categories of System Test and Evaluation
1.3. Planning for System Test and Evaluation
1.4. Preparation for System Test and Evaluation
1.5. System Test, Data Collection, Reporting and Feedback
2. Optimization in Design and Operations of Smart Meter (150 words)
2.1. Unconstrained Classical Optimization
2.2. Constrained Classical Optimization
3. Design for Reliability of Smart Meter (300)
3.1. Measures of Reliability
3.2. Reliability in the System Life Cycle
3.3. Reliability Test and Evaluation
4. Design for Maintainability of Smart Meter (300)
4.1.1. Measures of Maintainability
4.1.2. Availability and Effectiveness Measures
4.1.3. Maintainability in the System Life Cycle
4.1.4. Maintainability Demonstration
5. Design For Usability of Smart Meter (450 words)
5.1. The Measures in Human Factors
5.2. Human Factors in the System Life Cycle
5.3. Personnel and Training Requirements
5.4. Personnel Test and Evaluation
5.5. Design for Logistics and Supportability
5.6. Logistics in the System-of-System Environment
5.7. The Elements of Logistics and System Support
5.8. The Measures of Logistics and Supportability
5.9. Logistics and Maintenance Support in the System Life Cycle
Conclusion (100)


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