Posted: November 6th, 2015

Ethics and Morals in Criminal Justice

Ethics and Morals in Criminal Justice

Theories of Ethics: Consequentialism, Regularianism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics


DEVELOP an understanding and an application of utilitarianism as a theory of ethics
COMPARE AND CONTRAST the efficacy of hedonism vs. non-hedonism, relativism vs. absolutism, subjectivist vs. objectivism, and determinism vs. free will in ethical decision-making.
OUTLINE the advantages and shortcomings of regularianism.
DESCRIBE the types of rules that govern in regulariansim as a theory of ethics
OUTLINE the advantages and shortcomings of deontology.
IDENTIFY the types of duties that govern in a duty-based theory of ethics
DEMONSTRATE virtue theory in its practical application
SKETCH virtue as a function of the Golden Mean
DEFINE AND APPLY the Aristotlean concept of integrity
OUTLINE the four conditions under which someone is accountable for moral decision making under virtue theory
SHOW how virtue theory helps to overcome the difficulties of utilitarianism, deontology, and regularianism

Lessons and Assignment

Read Chapters 3 (Consequentialism), 4 (Regularianism), 5 (Deontology), and 6 (Virtue Ethics) of the text.
Review all posted lecture notes and power point presentations in this module

Note: An overarching claim by Dreisbach in Chapter 6 is that Aristotle’s virtue theory effectively overcomes the deficiencies of utilitarianism, regularianism, and deontology in solving moral dilemmas.

You should develop a power point presentation that answers the questions that follow this scenario:

You’re in your car at night on a poorly lit road. The car ahead of you appears to strike a lone pedestrian walking close to the side of the road.  The car speeds off without stopping. You immediately stop to help the injured man, dragging him off to the side of the road afraid he will be hit again in the darkness. As it turns out later, however, your movement of the victim caused him permanent paralysis. Had you not moved him, he would not have suffered paralysis.


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