Posted: April 3rd, 2015


ESSAY TOPIC- Selective exposure: People seek out information that supports their attitudes and avoid information that challenges their attitudes.

10 double-spaced pages of text, plus title page, references, and tables (if any) on one of the four topics listed below.  Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, with margins of 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all four sides (left, right, top, bottom) and double-space the lines.

Your essay should review some of the existing literature on the topic.  You must cite at least two articles which found in this web –
, in addition to the one provided for the topic Brannon, L. A., Tagler, M. J., & Eagly, A. H. (2007). The moderating role of attitude strength in selective exposure to information. Journal of Experimental  Social Psychology, 43, 611-617.
You should make clear that you have read the articles.  For example, do NOT cite a paper in the following way:  “Threats to self-esteem sometimes produce self-enhancing judgments (e.g., Jones & Leonard, 2001).”  Instead, describe the study in the cited paper and explain how it demonstrated the principle, or summarize the specific arguments presented in the paper to support a theory.
Introductions should around 5 pages and it should give enough theory background and build basic theory to concepts.
Need to measure facts to test your theory and look for evidence to support theory hypothesis.
Also need to describe experiment to show that you read the article.

Your essay must also provide two examples of the topic in real life.  One of the examples must be from your own experiences.  This does not mean that you were necessarily involved, but it must be from your life.  For example, the event might have involved someone in your family or a friend.  The other example must be from the media, such as television, newspapers, or the internet.  The event should be verifiable by some source, which should be cited in your paper (e.g., the channel and date of a television broadcast, the newspaper and date, or the internet website).
You must explain how or why your examples illustrate the topic.  Relate your examples to your prior review of the literature on the topic.  Why are your examples good ones?  Do any elements of your examples not fit with the topic? Just need to write 2-3 sentences to describe each example. The key thing is that need to reference the previous literature review in first introduction to connect with your example.

Topic Selective exposure: People seek out information that supports their attitudes and avoid information that challenges their attitudes.

Find 2 articles only in Psy Info

+ 1 article that provide Brannon, L. A., Tagler, M. J., & Eagly, A. H. (2007). The moderating role of attitude strength in selective exposure to information. Journal of Experimental  Social Psychology, 43, 611-617.

Please do not find other articles in Google website or cited others resources which were not found in Psy Info web

The essay need subheading in APA format.
Need only 4 references

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