Posted: September 24th, 2015

Economic Issues and Strategies for IT

Network externalities is a term used by economists to describe the effects of belonging to a network that creates value for its users. For this assignment, you are going to investigate the network of devices built using an Android operating system.

Step One: Research the Android operating system. Wikipedia’s article, Android (operating system) is a good place to begin your research, but it should not be your only source. You’ll want to determine all of the components of the Android network: what products, organizations, and people are part of the Android network?

Step Two: Thinking like an economist now, analyze your findings:

What are all of the components of the Android network?
What products are substitutes for Android? How closely do they substitute?
Are the network effects positive? negative? both? Why?
What is the Android economic network today? How do you think the Android network will change over time?

Step Three: Discuss your findings in relationship to the readings for this module. Use the economic theories and concepts to support your analysis.

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