Posted: May 7th, 2015



Essay assignment:
Choose one of the themes of Hamlet as your topic. Include quotes and also feel free to include Biblical or other references to support your analysis. Do well!
•    Revenge: Hamlet has a lot of inner turmoil that causes him to question whether his quest for revenge is right or wrong – morally and politically.
•    Honour: Examine Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras – their parallel situations in this play and how each seeks restitution for the death of a father.
•    Love: Is it feigned in this play? Is anyone who claims to ‘love’ another faithful? Examine the relationships inHamlet.
•    Decay and Corruption: things are obviously “rotten in the state of Denmark”. Find examples of this. Also, consider whether Hamlet’s actions ultimately help the state.
Approx. 600 words.

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