Posted: November 24th, 2015

Disease Paper (Ebola)


You have been diagnosed with . You are a responsible patient and
investigate the diagnosis as well as treatments, history, pathology, etiology, and any socio-politicoeconomic
issues accompanying the condition. Below are descriptions of each section. Sections A, B, and
C are required. Chose one from sections D, E, and F.
Must be 3 – 5 pages long, L2 pt font, L.5 spaced. Use citations (APA). You must have at least 4
references, two must be scholarly/peer-reviewed journals and you are limited to two (2) websites such
as Web-MD and the like. Use the headings below to organize your paper. Under each heading answer
the questions. Do not write anything you do not understand. Use your own words. Answer the
questions in paragraph form. Make sure you include an introduction that lets the reader know what to
expect. Don’t forget to end your paper with a conclusion.
A. Etiology Define the disease.
What is the origin or causation of the disease? ls it viral, genetic, prion, etc.
B. Pathology: Describe the pathogenic effects on cells, tissues, ond orgon systems.
What tissues/organs/cells does the disease affect? What does it do to those
tissues/organs/cells? What is the time sequence of the disease? What are the
major signs and symptoms?
C. Response and Treatment
How is the immune system involved in with this disease?
What types of medical treatments exist? What are the treatments treating?
Describe preventative measures that can be taken to limit the risk.
D. History: How long hove we known about this diseose?
Describe the changes in our knowledge and attitudes toward this disease
throughout history.
E. Epidemiology: Describe the prevolence ond transmission of this disease.
Where (in the world) is the disease prevalent? How many people have the
disease? What is the rate of new infections, deaths from infection, and survival?
How does it spread?
F. Socio-politico-economic
Describe any historic or present day social, economic, or political issues that
either help or hinder us in limiting the spread of the disease.
Suggest policies and practices that can be employed to help with limiting the
spread of the disease. For each policy and practice, describe what will be needed
(what we have to sacrifice) in order to properly implement the proposal.

lndividual Abstract (10 points)
This abstract should be completed in class during the library visit. Include the following.
Topic – disease
presentation Format – think about how you are going to present and how you are going to
involve the class. lnclude details and/or questions on possible class activities. Should be
detailed. lnclude group names and jobs. Who is responsible for what?
3 Possible peer reviewed references listed in APA or MLA format.
Journal Article Summary – Choose one peer reviewed article and give a short summary.
Summarize the study. How does the study relate to your disease? Why did you choose the
article? Attach a copy of the article.

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