Posted: March 9th, 2016

Discuss how you would use the PQRST mnemonic to conduct a systematic assessment of Andrew’s chest pain.

Andrew Taylor is a 48 year old high school PE teacher who is due for discharge from the orthopaedic ward following a left knee reconstruction 3 days ago. You are going through his discharge instructions with him when you notice that he seems distracted and looks pale. He tells you that he has been experiencing central chest pain and an uncomfortable tightness in his chest since he woke this morning. Further assessment reveals that he is diaphoretic with cool peripheries, his respiratory rate is 18, heart rate 115, BP 105/60 and SpO2 97% on room air.

This assessment task requires you to submit a report in which you discuss your initial assessment and management of Andrew. In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, your report should address the following:

Chest pain is a very serious clinical manifestation and should always be considered to be caused by myocardial ischaemia until proven otherwise. Discuss how you would use the PQRST mnemonic to conduct a systematic assessment of Andrew’s chest pain. This discussion should incorporate any relevant information already provided in the case study and any additional information you would seek as part of your assessment.

Identify your first five nursing priorities for Andrew. These priorities should be identified in order of clinical urgency and may include further assessments and/or interventions that can be initiated and conducted by a Registered Nurse.

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