Posted: February 28th, 2017

Discuss the influence of any of these Federal or state level programs on your decision to purchase a vehicle; or if these did not factor into your decision, explain why or why not:

Evaluate the financial trade-offs made when making your purchase. This includes lower maintenance costs for a newer vehicle versus a car payment and higher insurance among other factors.

Discuss the influence of any of these Federal or state level programs on your decision to purchase a vehicle; or if these did not factor into your decision, explain why or why not: Buying fuel efficient vehicles such as Flex fuel, hybrids and electrics Converting existing vehicles to use alternative fuels (Flex fuel) Removing old, fuel inefficient, and high polluting vehicles from the highways Explain the influence of environmental factors such as emissions and health concerns on your decision. Discuss the ways in which your purchase illustrates one piece of the circular flow model of economic activity. What are the other parts? Develop conclusions about the economy’s influence on personal and business decision making such as purchases, investments, and so forth

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