Posted: June 7th, 2021

Discuss a social problem such as social identity.

Discuss a social problem such as social identity.Relate theories and the theorists to it. Identify the NOBA chapter that discusses your topic. Introduction: Define a problem or question; think globally of the times we are in; the issue of climate justice… Use existing knowledge (i.e. literature review). Pursue and read relevant secondary research from social psychology.Gather and analyze evidence with which to evaluate the problem or question.Apply primary research method (direct observation of “your world” (situation/event/place);) to consider and focus on an aspect of the experience of participation in reality or of relationship to the issue (such as Pandemic Learning) Identify, document (photo journal, journal, test/instrument), observe.Draw conclusions from the evidence.4. Report on the primary research you conduct.5. Consider limitations of research methods and conclusions.6. Use APA format for referencing.

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