Posted: August 26th, 2015

Death in Literature – The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and All quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque

In the face of death our humanity can shine. Do you agree? Discuss with reference to:

1. ‘Heart of Darkness’ by Joseph Conrad and ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ by Eric Remarque.

The Following Essay must abide by the following marking criteria:

• Evidence such as direct quotations and paraphrasing is incorporated in a highly effective manner.
• Use of MLA format conventions is accurate, effective and virtually error-free (title page, works cited page, citations, page set-up, etc.)
• Use of language conventions is accurate, effective and virtually error-free (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.)
• Message is perfectly clear
• Diction, tone, and level of language are used artfully to suit the specific audience and purpose
• Writer’s voice is consistently evident
• Organisation is highly effective (paragraph structure, topic sentences, transitions, etc.)
• Artful and highly effective use of stylistic devices (parallelism, figurative language, etc.)
• Includes thoughtful utilization of secondary research that supports but does not override the writer’s own insights
• Thesis is insightful and even original and expressed with sophistication
• Includes thorough elaboration and explanation of evidence
• Argument is insightful
• Includes thorough support for thesis and main ideas
• Includes thorough ideas, concepts
• Displays thorough and insightful understanding of the text
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