Posted: July 12th, 2016

Critically analyse how useful the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm to managers in your chosen company & sector. ­

Business sectors are undergoing profound transformations. Making investment choices has never been so challenging. With increased volatility and intensifying skills shortages, companies can no longer win across an ever­broadening spectrum of operating environments. Few companies have the strategic capabilities required for activities that can range from exploring and research, all the way through to development and/or production of both resources and/or products. Therefore, companies need to focus on a small number of differentiating capabilities that will allow them to outcompete their peers. Moreover, they need to reorient their portfolio and investment decisions around these differentiating capabilities ­ A capabilities­driven strategic approach to winning. Assignment Task: You have been appointed to a senior management position with a MAJOR FIRM (of your choice,). You are aware that the firm lacks an understanding in the benefits of utilising its capabilities. Therefore, for this project your task is to write a report to the board on the need to focus on differentiating capabilities that will allow them to create competitive advantage. For your firm you are to: Section 1: ­Small intro about the company of choice ­The Business Enviroment (def , and importance ) ­PESTEL analysis , then apply it the company of choice. ­ Critically analyse how useful the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm to managers in your chosen company & sector. ­ Importance of RBV in the chosen company and how it effects it.

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