Posted: March 21st, 2016

contribute blog entries to it in which you combine your own practical experience in a variety of situations relevant to concepts that were treated in the course content, describe how it is relevant to your situation and that of others, using and making reference to recent scientific literature

You are asked to contribute blog entries to it in which you combine your own practical experience in a variety of situations relevant to concepts that were treated in the course content, describe how it is relevant to your situation and that of others, using and making reference to recent scientific literature.

Purpose: To show an understanding of the psychology principles as they relate to high performance sports environments, to critically reflect on the practical application of sport and performance psychology in the high performance sport context, and to communicate this knowledge effectively to the high performance sport community.

Background: In todays society scientific information is exchanged and communicated in a variety of ways. The three assignments for this unit will appeal to different ways of communicating scientific information in the high performance sport context. You will probably be familiar with all three modes of communication. Each of the modes have different ways of linking scientific evidence to an application in high performance sport.

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