Posted: January 7th, 2016

“When considering the causes of mental disorders, recent biological and neuroscientific advances have been so dramatic that psychosocial factors have been rendered redundant.”

One of the goals of diagnostic classification systems is that knowledge of what kind/type of disorder a person is experiencing should lead to additional knowledge from the literature regarding potential causes/prognosis/etc.
 3a) Perform a critical literature review on the following question:  “When considering the causes of mental disorders, recent biological and neuroscientific advances have been so dramatic that psychosocial factors have been rendered redundant.”  Discuss the evidence both for and against this contention using the disorder depicted in your chosen film. (approx. 1000 words; 45 marks)   3b) What biopsychosocial factors are suggested in the movie and what biopsychosocial factors would you speculate might be important for the character’s disorder, given what you know from your review regarding the disorder?  You should reference aspects from a basic grid framework that you have seen in your seminars, but note that you should write this section in paragraph format (cover biological, psychological, and social factors; and precipitating/predisposing/
Assignment Guidelines 5

perpetuating/protective factors).  As noted in the seminars – be sure to carefully consider the strengths (protective factors) the character demonstrates in their life and in dealing with their problems. (approx.. 300 words; 15 marks)

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