Posted: March 25th, 2017

consider current issues associated with federal surveillance mechanisms.

Discussion1: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please complete the assigned readings and access and review the required resources. It is important to examine legal and ethical issues associated with homeland security within an historical context, and Chapter 3 of the assigned Martin (2015) text provides an exploration of legal foundational elements in this area. In this discussion, you will compare and contrast legal and ethical issues associated with the internment program within the context of World War II, and with the post-World War II investigation and prosecution of suspected or alleged communism in the United States. Identify and explain a legal issue and an ethical issue associated with each of these two eras. Propose alternative response mechanisms that could have more effectively facilitated both civil liberties and domestic security priorities in each context.

The content of the initial post must also contain a minimum of two references to the assigned weekly reading materials, cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford University Writing Center. No quotations are permitted. Your posts should incorporate analytical and evidence-based statements and reflect a synthesis of the assigned readings. Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words FOR DISCUSSION 1.

Discussion 2: For this discussion, you will examine ethical and legal issues associated with certain legislation, within the context of civil liberties and homeland security. Review the assigned material on the USA Patriot Act of 2001 (and the Act as reauthorized in 2005) and on the Department of Homeland Security Act of 2002 in Chapter 3 of the Martin (2015) text. Argue for or against the legal and ethical qualities of these pieces of legislation. Specifically, argue whether or not these legislative acts adequately facilitate both civil liberty and domestic security priorities. In addition, consider current issues associated with federal surveillance mechanisms. Argue whether federal surveillance should be increased or reduced, and justify your position through a consideration of ethical and legal issues associated with civil liberties and with homeland security objectives. Is there a tension between civil liberties and homeland security objectives? Why or why not?

The content of the initial post must also contain a minimum of two references to the assigned weekly reading materials, cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford University Writing Center. No quotations are permitted. Your posts should incorporate analytical and evidence-based statements and reflect a synthesis of the assigned readings. Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words FOR DISCUSSION 2.

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