Posted: June 23rd, 2016

his complication can be an environmental, individual, or task-related constraint. Environmental constraints are faulty/missing equipment, weather, space, time, etc. Individual constraints include any difficulty or disability that the student might encounter

Section 2 – Guided Response (Post by Day 5):
Respond to two classmates. Review the activities and skills included on their charts. Use one of the activities listed on their charts to create a situational example in story form, such as a case study. Within your story, include a complication in which they would need to adapt the lesson. This complication can be an environmental, individual, or task-related constraint. Environmental constraints are faulty/missing equipment, weather, space, time, etc. Individual constraints include any difficulty or disability that the student might encounter. A task related constraint includes complications incorporating the activity or lesson to be taught.

Conclude with a question as to how this lesson could be adapted in the given situation.

For example: They might have chosen to teach a 6-year-old (individual) to hit a ball (task) off a tee and provide them with a light weight, fat barreled bat (environment). You can create an individual constraint such as “When you are teaching a class of 6-year-olds how to hit a ball off of a tee, you notice a child is having difficulty holding the bat. If the bat is too large for the child, how could you adapt the activity for this individual?” You could also create a situation in which a child has already mastered this activity and is ready to advance or even create an example with inclement weather or faulty/missing equipment, etc. Be creative!

Section 3 (Post by Day 7):
Required classmate response: By Day 7, select at least one classmate who asked a question about your initial post of skills and activities. Answer their question and include how your adaptation would continue to be developmentally appropriate for that age. If classmates did not respond to your initial post, choose response questions from another classmate’s post to answer concerning an adaptation of an activity.

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