Posted: March 14th, 2016

compile a BOM/parts list, using Excel, for ONE of the following sub-assemblies on one of the “Wright” Go-Kart’s in Newton G100

Your assignment is to compile a BOM/parts list, using Excel, for ONE of the following sub-assemblies on one of the “Wright” Go-Kart’s in Newton G100.
1.    The Steering mechanism (To include everything from the steering wheel to the two front road wheels. Including the steering wheel and road wheels).
2.    The Braking system (to include everything from brake pedal to the Disc, see figure 1. Including the brake pedal and brake disc), or
3.    The rear axle (To include everything between the two rear wheels. Including the wheels)
You are not allowed to dis-assemble the Go-Kart so if you are unable to see/identify a part you will need to make assumptions and allocate appropriate values.

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