Posted: February 10th, 2017

Why did you choose the supply chain you did? What services or techniques made them appealing? Are they in alignment with the objectives of the organization?

Week 6 Assignment: Operational Plan for Supply Chain Management

Supply chains provide a vital role in the success and failure of a healthcare organization. View the top 25 supply chains here: After reviewing the vendors, select one to use for the assignment below.

Last week, you completed an operational plan to increase patient volume for your organization. This week, use the same operational template to investigate how to increase the efficiency of your supply chain by incorporating one outside vendor from the above article to provide management services. Remember to include the following for the company you research:

  • Objective: How can we increase efficiency through supply chain management? What can be gained by using a management service? What outcomes do we hope to achieve?
  • Strategies: Break down the objective into measurable tasks for completion.
  • Time frames for completion
  • Accountable member(s) of the team
  • Estimated budget
  • Total project cost

Now, based on your operational plan, reflect on the following:

  • Why did you choose the supply chain you did? What services or techniques made them appealing? Are they in alignment with the objectives of the organization?
  • Is the plan feasible and cost effective? Why or why not?
  • Is the proposed cost worth the return on investment? Why or why not?
  • Imagine the operational plan is rejected and the board of trustees asks you to look for alternate solutions to the supply chain issue. What are some ideas for achieving the same outcomes without using the service?

Your paper must be formatted in accordance with APA guidelines, and you must use at least two scholarly references with appropriate citations. Your paper should be at least two to three pages in addition to the template you submit.


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