Posted: April 21st, 2016

brainstorm the details that will need to be included in your essay to describe the ad to your readers and provide the context??

II. CONTEXT AND DESCRIPTION OF ADVERTISEMENT Use this section of the outline to brainstorm the details that will need to be included in your essay to describe the ad to your readers and provide the context. Remember that your readers will not be seeing the actual ad alongside your essay, so your words will serve as the visual description. You do not need to write in complete paragraphs in this section, but you should identify key descriptions or characteristics to include in complete sentences. Use the bullet points below to help guide your points. • Identify any historical, social, or political significance of the ad by explaining the time period in which it was originally published. • If possible, identify the publication in which the ad was originally published, and identify the target audience. • Include any necessary background about the company that might contribute to the context, including its reason for advertising. • Using specific details, describe the ad to your readers, considering elements such as color, text, images, mood, and so on.

III. ANALYSIS OF RHETORICAL APPEALS Use this section of the outline to identify the types of rhetorical appeals that are present in your chosen ad. Under each type of appeal, explain the way(s) the company has used the different types of appeals. Remember, all three types of appeals may not be present; some appeals may be represented in more than one area while others may not be represented at all. Use complete sentences in your responses. • Reasoning (Logos) Example: The copy at the bottom of the ad states that a One-a-Day vitamin has 450 mg of calcium. • Character (Ethos) Example: According to the ad, the One-A-Day brand of vitamin includes more calcium than any other brand.

• Emotion (Pathos) Example: The woman’s body pictured in the ad is muscular and fit; however, the caption in bold lettering at the top of the ad warns that the woman’s “hard body” may have “soft bones.” IV. CONCLUSION In this section of the outline, draft a possible concluding paragraph. Your conclusion should summarize the overall findings and link to your purpose with a restatement of the thesis.

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