Posted: March 14th, 2016

Based on the site visits, the Financial Analysis, the TCO Analysis, and the Supplier Evaluation Matrix, provide 4 strengths (left column) and 4 weaknesses (right column) of each supplier

Supplier Evaluation (20% of Grade)
(a) Based on the site visits, the Financial Analysis, the TCO Analysis, and the Supplier Evaluation Matrix, provide 4 strengths (left column) and 4 weaknesses (right column) of each supplier (bullet points are fine). Fill out the first tab on the supplier evaluation matrix. Submit printed spreadsheet.
(b) Fill out tabs 2-5 of the Supplier Evaluation Matrix for the four suppliers and rank them against each other. Be very careful to give relevant and measurable (to the greatest extent possible) evaluation categories and subcategories. A good (measurable) subcategory for quality would be number of defects; a bad subcategory would be “supplier seems to have quality as a priority” (too vague and non-measurable). It is okay to overlap with some of the total cost of ownership evaluation information/categories (i.e. number of defects). You should have 4-5 major categories with 2 to 3 sub-categories per category. In terms of scoring, use a 5 point scale and remember you are rating each of the suppliers relative to each other (i.e., if the best supplier gets a 5, the next best supplier should probably get a 4 or lower unless they exactly tie the best supplier on this subcategory). Submit printed spreadsheets.

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