Posted: February 8th, 2017

I am attaching my syllabus which has the powerpoint presentation of the syllabus. Enclosed you will find what the instructor is requesting for the assignment.

I have to do a powerpoint presentation on Counseling and poverty that must be 30 mins long. The topic of the presentation is Counseling and Poverty. I have a list of questions that must be mentioned in the powerpoint that is inclosed in the syllabus. In addition I have a paper which must be 3-5 pages not including the cover page which must be in APA. The title of the 3-5 page paper is called “discover yourself. Which speaks to my culture. The details of the paper is also included in the syllabus . I am a mental health counseling major. And the powerpoint is for Multicultural foundations. The name of the presentation is Ethnic Group Presentation. I am attaching my syllabus which has the powerpoint presentation of the syllabus. Enclosed you will find what the instructor is requesting for the assignment.

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