Posted: August 27th, 2015

Asian Studies


Please identify an appropriate primary corpus, and critically analyze how your sample texts have changed when placed in dialogue with other cultures. You may wish to consider what is culturally specific about these texts, and what has local and global significance.

Questions that should be answered for the review:
 What are the major issues and debates about the topic?
 What are the key theories, concepts and ideas which are used?
 What are the main questions and problems that have been addressed?
 How is knowledge on the topic structured and organised?
 What kinds of methodology are used? Is it an empirical report, a theoretical study, a
sociological or political account, a historical overview, etc.? All or some of these?
 What kinds of data does it use to back up its argument?
 Does it follow a particular school of thought?
 What are the political standpoints of the authors of each study?
 What conclusions does it come to?
Compare and Contrast the Two Review Items
 Compare and contrast how different authors view the issue.
 Group authors who draw similar conclusions.
 Note areas in which authors are in disagreement.
 Criticise aspects of methodology.
Identify exemplary studies.
 Identify patterns or trends in the literature.
 Comment on questions left unanswered.

Organization of the Review
•The review will have an introduction, a central argument, and a conclusion.
•It will develop a logical argument, presented in well-formed paragraphs.
•The introduction should set out the nature of the topic under discussion, its parameters (what it includes and excludes), and what your chosen items contribute to discussion of the topic. The introduction should include a question you will explore or a statement of the conclusions you have reached about the articles to be examined.
•The conclusion should include a summary of major agreements and disagreements amongst your texts, and a summary of general conclusions that can be drawn from them.
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