Posted: December 18th, 2015

What is ‘Scope Management’ what should you include in your managing scope plan. What tool could you use to show the subdivision of the scope of work?

Task 1 (40% marks) 600 words (+/- 10%) each short answer question requires a response in a few sentences for the questions awarded up to 4- 6 marks and a paragraph for questions awarded up to 8-10 marks. 1) Projects are normally catergorised into different types. Define each type and give examples of each type of project? (8 marks). 2) What is ‘Scope Management’ what should you include in your managing scope plan. What tool could you use to show the subdivision of the scope of work? (6 marks). 3) Using the information below, plot out a full project Gantt chart and identify the critical path? How many days does it take to complete the project? What are the benefits of using a Gantt chart? (6 marks). Tasks Precedence Time a – 5 days b – 4 days c a 6 days d b 2 days e b 5 days f c 6 days g f 4 days h f 5 days 4) How would you decide if a project had been successful? (4 marks). 5) Throughout a project events may happen that necessitate minor or major changes to the project plan. How would you manage these changes in order to control the project? (6marks). 6) What is Project Quality Management? What does it include? (10 marks).

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