Posted: March 7th, 2017

• Explain why your chosen artifact is considered popular culture by addressing the following questions: o How do you know it is popular?

(250 words) • Select an example of popular culture: a song, film, or music video; fashion; episodic visual storytelling such as a TV show; a print or moving image advertisement; or a magazine or book. We will refer to this selection as your artifact. • Explain why your chosen artifact is considered popular culture by addressing the following questions: o How do you know it is popular? o How did the artifact first come to your attention? How did you find it, or how did it find you? o What is it about the artifact that interests you? What is your personal connection to the artifact? What about the artifact connects you to it? o How was the artifact created? For example, if your artifact is a song, who is the songwriter? If a film, who was the writer or director?

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